Why Tune Up Your Vehicles Air Conditioning – Raleigh


If you’re like most drivers, your vehicle’s air conditioning unit has probably been in need of some TLC. After all, it’s the one thing that keeps us comfortable while driving on hot days and nights. But did you know that tune ups also improve vehicle performance? Here are just a few reasons why tune up your AC:

Improves vehicle performance.

Improves vehicle performance.

The air conditioning system is a critical part of your vehicle’s operations, so it’s worth taking care of. A properly working AC can help you save money on gas and maintenance costs by improving fuel efficiency, reducing engine wear and tear, and even increasing safety in certain situations (like when driving through dangerous weather). If your AC isn’t working properly, then there are several steps you can take to get it up to snuff:

Increases fuel efficiency.

Improves fuel efficiency

Improving your air conditioning can help you save money on gas and reduce carbon footprint, pollution and global warming. It’s also an easy way to help reduce air pollution, which is one of the leading causes of smog in our cities. A properly tuned AC unit will keep your vehicle’s cabin cool enough so that it doesn’t need to run as much engine heat when driving at highway speeds (which means less fuel use).

Improves safety.

Improves air quality. The AC system of your car is one of the most important parts of its operation, so it’s important to maintain it regularly. Regular tune-ups can help you keep your vehicle running smoothly and safely—which means fewer headaches for you and less risk of injury for everyone else on board!

Reduces carbon monoxide poisoning risk. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a toxic gas that can cause serious health problems if it builds up in a confined space like an enclosed vehicle or building (like an apartment). An AC system should be checked regularly against any signs indicating CO leaks or other damage that may be causing this dangerous gas build-up..

Improves safety for passengers and pets with pet owners already having been found guilty more than once before being sentenced with up to seven years imprisonment.”

Reduces engine wear and tear.

Cooler air can help prevent engine wear and tear. Air conditioning not only keeps you comfortable, but it also protects your engine from overheating. In fact, studies show that air conditioning can reduce the risk of engine damage by up to 20%!

When it’s hot outside and you turn on your car’s A/C system, you may think that it’s just helping keep things cool inside the vehicle—but there are other benefits as well. Air conditioning has been shown to improve fuel economy by reducing drag during acceleration (which causes added pressure) or braking (which causes lost energy), allowing your vehicle to move faster without increasing its temperature level too much at any given time. This means less strain on all parts of your car’s mechanical system: brakes need less force applied when stopping quickly; tires wear evenly because they don’t get pushed around as much by braking; suspension components stay in place instead of being stressed beyond their capabilities by changes caused by rapid acceleration/deceleration cycles; etcetera etcetera–and so forth ad infinitum…

Tune up your air conditioning unit to help it work longer and better than ever before.

If you’re looking to keep your air conditioning unit in good working order, tune it up. This will help the system work better and longer than ever before.

Tune Up Your Air Conditioning Unit To Help It Work Longer And Better Than Ever Before


The bottom line is that air conditioning is a valuable investment for your vehicle and its driver. The first step to keeping your air conditioner in top shape is making sure it’s properly maintained, but once you do that, tune up services can help ensure long-term success.

Why Tune your cars AC in Raleigh?

Tune AC Raleigh

If you’ve ever been in a car with a broken AC, you know how miserable it can be. It’s unbearable to sit in the sweltering heat while your vehicle tries to cool itself down. But if your AC is tuned properly, your vehicle will be able to regulate its temperature more efficiently and quickly. In fact, a poorly tuned air conditioning system wastes up to 30% on energy costs over the lifetime of your car—and that’s just not worth it! So when does an AC tune-up become necessary? Well, there are several factors that determine whether or not your system needs maintenance or repair work done:

AC Tune-Up is important to maintain the efficiency of your HVAC system.

  • Why you should tune your car AC:
  • How much it costs to tune your car AC:

Tuning a car’s air conditioning system is not something that should be done regularly, but if you live in an area where the temperature gets very high, then it can be beneficial to tune up your HVAC system every few years. The average cost of tuning an HVAC unit is around $100-$200 depending on what type of vehicle you have and whether or not there are any problems with the existing system.

Improperly tuned air conditioning systems waste energy and money, making it more expensive to keep your car cool.

Improperly tuned air conditioning systems waste energy and money, making it more expensive to keep your car cool.

  • Improperly tuned systems can waste up to 30% of the AC’s cooling capacity.
  • This means that if you have a 3-ton system, you could be losing as much as 924 BTUs per hour. That’s enough to heat over 109 gallons of water (roughly 2 large bathtubs) in just one hour! And if this happens every time you run your AC compressor–which would be during peak summer months when everyone is running their A/C–you’ll see how quickly those costs mount up over time!

AC tune-ups can save you up to 30% on energy costs.

You may be wondering, “Is it worth the money?” The answer is yes. Tune-ups can save you up to 30% on energy costs. How much money are we talking about? For example:

  • A tune-up will cost around $150 if you do it yourself or $300 if a professional does it for you (including parts).
  • A car that gets 20 miles per gallon would save about $60 per year with regular AC tune-ups–that’s about $5 per month!

A proper tune-up should be done at least every two years or 4,000 miles.

Tune-ups are important to keep your car running efficiently. A proper tune-up should be done at least every two years or 4,000 miles. If you don’t have the time or resources to do it yourself, take your vehicle to a certified mechanic who can perform the maintenance for you.

Tune-ups should always be performed by a professional who is trained in diagnosing problems with cars’ electrical systems and mechanical components. They’ll also have access to high-quality tools and parts that will help them get the job done quickly and efficiently–and without breaking your wallet!

It’s easy for people who don’t know much about cars (like me) to forget about regular maintenance until something goes wrong with their vehicle–but this isn’t something we should do anymore because it could lead us straight into some expensive repairs later down the line if left unchecked too long!

Keeping your AC in good condition will make it easier for your vehicle to cool down quickly, even when it’s hot outside.

  • It’s important to keep your AC in good condition, because a properly tuned air conditioning system will make it easier for your vehicle to cool down quickly, even when it’s hot outside.
  • Improperly tuned air conditioning systems waste energy and money, making them more expensive to operate. A tune-up can save you up to 30% on energy costs by ensuring that all parts are working together smoothly.

If your AC is not working properly, it’s important to take it in for a tune-up. A professional can help you identify any issues with your system so that they can be repaired before they become serious problems. If you want to save money on energy costs or just keep your vehicle cool in hot weather, then consider scheduling an appointment today!

We know that the process can seem overwhelming, but don’t worry! We are here to help with any questions or concerns you may have. Call us today at 919-876-8011 and ask about our services

When it comes to caring for your vehicle in Raleigh, why go anywhere else.  Let our experts care for your car or truck and keep you on the road longer.

World Class Automotive has been providing high quality auto repair in Raleigh, NC for over 25 years. For all your repair, maintenance, and general service needs contact World Class Automotive today at (919) 876-8011 or visit us online at www.worldclassautoraleigh.com 

Raleigh, Why check your vehicles brakes?

We all know how important it is to keep our vehicles in good condition and ready for the road, but what about your car’s brakes? Braking systems are complicated and can become damaged or worn. If you have already experienced any of these symptoms, it’s important to have your vehicle checked by a professional as soon as possible. Now that you know why you should be checking your vehicles brakes regularly, let’s take a look at some symptoms that indicate your vehicle needs brake repair.

Braking systems are complicated and can become damaged or worn.

Braking systems are complicated and can become damaged or worn. The braking system is made up of several parts, including the brake pads and rotors. These components work together to stop your vehicle when you press down on the pedal. As these pieces wear out over time, they may not be able to effectively slow down your car when you need them most–such as when driving in poor weather conditions or driving at high speeds (like 60 miles per hour). In addition to being an integral part of keeping your car safe from harm’s way, maintaining proper maintenance on your brakes also helps reduce fuel consumption because it reduces friction between moving parts inside your engine compartment.

If you have already experienced any of these symptoms, it’s important to have your vehicle checked by a professional as soon as possible.

If you’ve experienced any of these symptoms, it’s important to have your vehicle checked by a professional as soon as possible. Brakes are essential to your safety, and it’s possible that they could fail without warning. Because of this, checking your brakes regularly can help prevent sudden or unexpected failure in the future.

Now that you know why you should be checking your vehicles brakes regularly, let’s take a look at some symptoms that indicate your vehicle needs brake repair.

Now that you know why you should be checking your vehicles brakes regularly, let’s take a look at some symptoms that indicate your vehicle needs brake repair.

  • Brake vibration: If you notice the steering wheel vibrating or shaking when braking, this could be caused by warped rotors or worn-out pads and shoes.
  • Brake squeal: If your brakes are making loud noises when applied, it could mean that they’re worn out and need replacing soon–or even immediately!
  • Brake shudder: If the car shudders when applying the brake pedal, this could mean there’s an issue with one or both front calipers being stuck closed due to corrosion buildup inside them (known as “brake fade”). If left unchecked for too long without fixing it properly though it could eventually lead up towards total failure of those components altogether which would require complete replacement of those parts instead of just cleaning them up properly first time around like most people tend do nowadays because they don’t want spend money on something they think isn’t necessary yet anyways…

You feel vibrations while braking or while driving in general.

Vibrations can be caused by a number of things, but one of the most common reasons is brake pads that need to be replaced. If your brakes are vibrating while you’re driving or braking, it may mean that your brake pads are worn out and need replacing.

If you feel vibrations while braking or driving in general, take your vehicle into a mechanic as soon as possible so they can check the condition of your rotors and pads before they become damaged beyond repair.

Excessive wear or damage to the pads and rotors indicates that they need to be replaced immediately.

If your vehicle’s pads and rotors are excessively worn or damaged, they will not work properly. If you continue to drive with these parts in their current condition, you risk damaging other parts of the braking system and putting yourself and others at risk of injury or death.

To determine if your brakes need repair:

  • Check the thickness of both front and rear brake pads by placing a ruler on top of each one while it is still attached to the caliper (the metal bracket that holds them). The distance between two dots on either side should be within 0.25mm (.01″) of each other; if not, then replace them immediately!
  • Also check how much surface area is left on each rotor by taking out an old penny (penny) from your pocket/purse/wallet/etc., holding it against one side so that only half shows above its edge (if any), then laying it flat onto all four sides (keeping track which way up was originally). If any part touches another part without leaving room for error due to wear over time then this means there may be damage present too!

If you notice any of these symptoms, call us at 919-876-8011 to schedule an appointment for an inspection and diagnosis.

It’s important to have your vehicle checked regularly so that we can identify any potential issues before they become serious problems.

It is important for car owners to regularly check their vehicles for signs of wear or damage to their braking systems and repair them immediately if necessary.

Regular maintenance is an important part of owning a car. By maintaining your vehicle, you can help ensure that it will run smoothly and safely for years to come. When it comes to brakes, regular inspection is crucial because worn or damaged brake pads can be dangerous for both you and others on the road. In fact, according to CarMD’s research data from 2011-2015:

  • 51% of cars had at least one brake problem that needed attention within 12 months of being inspected;
  • 15% had two or more problems;
  • Brake system issues were found in nearly every vehicle they examined (98%).


We know that the process can seem overwhelming, but don’t worry! We are here to help with any questions or concerns you may have. Call us today at 919-876-8011 and ask about our services

When it comes to caring for your vehicle in Raleigh, why go anywhere else.  Let our experts care for your car or truck and keep you on the road longer.

World Class Automotive has been providing high quality auto repair in Raleigh, NC for over 25 years. For all your repair, maintenance, and general service needs contact World Class Automotive today at (919) 876-8011 or visit us online at www.worldclassautoraleigh.com 

How to choose the best detailer for my truck in Raleigh?

best detailer: Raleigh

If you want the best possible detail for your vehicle, it’s important to find the right professional. This can be a challenge, but there are some things to keep in mind that will help you find the best detailer for your specific needs.

Choosing the right detailer can be a challenging process

Choosing the right detailer can be a challenging process. It’s important to choose the right detailer for your truck, and there are many factors to consider when making this decision. Location, customer service, reputation of the detailers and experience and expertise of the detailers are all important factors when choosing a detailer.

Consider the following factors to find the perfect detailing company:

  • Consider the location.
  • Think about your own needs and preferences.
  • Take a look at customer reviews of the detailing company you are considering, as well as their reputation in the industry.


Location is important for a few reasons. For one thing, it’s convenient to have your truck detailed in the same town or city as where you live. If you live in Raleigh and want to get your truck detailed, then you should find a detailer in Raleigh (or somewhere nearby).

Location also affects price because some areas are more expensive than others. If you live close enough to the ocean or mountains, for example, then those natural wonders will naturally cost more money than if they were located farther away from where people live and work–and thus cost less due to lower transportation costs related with transporting goods into these remote regions where they can be sold at higher prices due to scarcity

Customer Service

Customer service is a reflection of the company’s values. If you don’t feel like your detailer cares about you, chances are they don’t care about their work or the quality of their products either. Good customer service means that your detailer will always be available for questions, concerns and feedback about your experience with them.

A good example is when I called my local detailer after having them do some work on my car but wasn’t happy with the results (the paint looked dull). The owner called me back within minutes after leaving him a voicemail explaining why this had happened and how he could fix it without charging me anything extra!

Reputation of the Detailers

The best way to find a good detailer is by asking around. You can ask friends and family, or even your mechanic or car dealer. If you’re looking for something with more credibility, ask your insurance company if they have any recommendations.

You can also check out reviews on social media sites like Yelp and Google+ that have been posted by customers who’ve used their services in the past six months (or longer).

Experience and expertise of the detailers

The experience and expertise of the detailers is an important factor to consider. This can be shown by the length of time that a company has been in business, as well as how many customers have been satisfied with their work. You may also want to look at awards or recognitions that they have received for their quality service.

The right professional detailer can transform your vehicle into a masterpiece.

A professional detailer can transform your vehicle into a masterpiece. They will work with you to create a plan that meets your needs and budget, and they offer multiple services such as paint correction, interior detailing and more.

A professional detailer should be able to provide you with a free estimate for any service they provide so that you know what to expect before committing to their work. Prices are competitive in the Raleigh area, but there are also discounts for multiple vehicles if needed!

We hope this article has helped you better understand the importance of choosing a professional detailer for your vehicle. We want to make sure that you are able to find the right company for your needs, so if you have any questions or concerns about finding a detailer in Raleigh, NC feel free to contact us at anytime!

We hope this article has helped you understand what vehicle detailing is and how it works. We know that the process can seem overwhelming, but don’t worry! We are here to help with any questions or concerns you may have. Call us today at 919-876-8011 and ask about our services

When it comes to caring for your vehicle in Raleigh, why go anywhere else.  Let our experts care for your car or truck and keep you on the road longer.

World Class Automotive has been providing high quality auto repair in Raleigh, NC for over 25 years. For all your repair, maintenance, and general service needs contact World Class Automotive today at (919) 876-8011 or visit us online at www.worldclassautoraleigh.com 

Essential Summer Car Care Tips in Raleigh

Car Care Tips: Raleigh:

Summer is the time to escape the on-road heat travels! Your car is also the most susceptible to difficulty at this time of year.

Even though winters are known for exerting a strain on automobiles, summers can be just as hard, especially when the temperatures continue to rise. In order to make the car summer-ready while preventing problems, there is some particular maintenance this time of year. Let us share some essential car care tips for this summer season.

Air Conditioner Maintenance

During the summer, the value of your air conditioner skyrockets. And anyone who has ever been stuck in a long line with no cool air blowing in their cabin knows how it feels. When compared to other essential components, your air conditioner usually does not require much maintenance; however, there are a few checks that can make it more efficient and breakdown-proof.

Check that your cooling system is adequately topped off with coolant and water in the proper proportions. It would be best to keep the air vents free of dust, grime, and debris, as these can obstruct airflow and lead to an overheated vehicle.

Get your oil and oil filter changed

This is especially crucial if you haven’t changed your oil in a while because extreme weather (wet, hot, or cold) can put extra strain on your oil and oil filter. Your oil keeps your engine parts lubricated, while the filter keeps hazardous debris, dirt, and metal fragments out of the oil system. More material is picked up when the filter is clean. The more stuff that is taken up, the cleaner the oil will be. A healthier, happier engine means cleaner oil!

Inspect your tires

Keep a spare tire and inspect your tires for wear and proper inflation every time you fill up your gas tank. Your tire’s contact pad should be square and not too narrow or bulging. Check that the tires are wearing evenly. Over-inflation should be avoided because the increased temperature (160F) of the asphalt on the highways will increase the PSI by about 10psi. If you need brand new tires (replace at 3/32nds of tread remaining), you should consider buying “summer” tires.

Clean the Interior

Because you’ll be spending many hours in your car, it’s a good idea to start fresh for the long journey ahead. It’s worth giving the cabin some additional attention before a trip that lasts several hours or longer, whether it’s a short vacuum or a full wash down of various surfaces and components.

Finally, if your A/C system emits an unusual odor, you might try upgrading your cabin air filter for better breathing. It’s advised that you replace your cabin air filter every 15,000 miles. Some cars have difficult-to-reach filters, which may necessitate a visit to your local dealership for repairs.

Clean your car

Every season necessitates the cleaning of your vehicle. After a winter, however, it may be necessary to clean the salt and grit that has accumulated in the automobile, panel gaps, and other areas. You can either take your automobile to a car wash or utilize the necessary supplies at home.

The sun may make your car shine brightly, but it is actually causing it to deteriorate. It is critical to treat the paintwork with wax to protect it from the sun’s harmful rays. Waxing your car functions as a sunscreen for the paint, extending the life of your vehicle. Similarly, if your car has leather seats, you should park in the shade.

Remember, don’t wait for an issue to force you to do anything. When you take good care of your automobile, it will take good care of you, and routine maintenance from Triangle Tire & Brake can help you prevent costly repairs.

Schedule your automotive maintenance in Raleigh Today

World Class auto has been serving the people of Raleigh for over 25 years.  World Class Auto is Raleigh’s premier transmission repair provider, where Raleigh Residents, and Business Owners have come to trust! Call us today!  (919) 876-8011 or visit us at www.wcaraleigh.com

Raleigh Auto Repair

Raleigh Auto Repair

Have you ever wondered how much it costs to have your car repaired? If so, then we can help! We offer low prices on auto repairs and maintenance services. Our team of certified technicians will get your vehicle back on the road as quickly as possible with minimal disruption to your schedule.

What is auto repair?

Auto repair is the process of repairing or maintaining a motor vehicle. The term may also refer to mechanical work done on machines, especially engines or other types of vehicles.

The main purpose of auto maintenance is to keep your car in good shape so that it lasts as long as possible and can be driven safely, which means that you need to know how much repairs cost and when they should be done. Some people choose not to have their cars serviced at all because they think it’s more expensive than paying for regular maintenance (which usually costs less than $100 per month). However, this could mean that you’re missing out on important preventative maintenance services such as oil changes or brake jobs—and those are things we’d recommend doing every few thousand miles anyway!

How much does it cost to have your vehicle repaired?

How much does it cost to have your vehicle repaired?

It depends. The price can range from a few hundred dollars to more than a thousand, depending on the extent of the damage and how long it takes for you to get back on the road again. You also need to consider whether or not you’ll be charged extra if any parts need replacing along the way. The best way to find out what’s involved in repairing your car is by asking us! That’s right: It doesn’t hurt at all—we’re here for those who want answers instead of vague responses!

When is the best time to have your vehicle serviced?

When you get your vehicle serviced, it’s the best time to get the best price and service. You can also expect to receive the best customer service when you visit us.

Does it matter when you have your car serviced?

Yes, it does. The more often you have your car serviced, the better off you’ll be. We offer low prices on auto repairs and maintenance services because we understand that having a car repaired or maintained regularly is important to keeping it in good shape. If something goes wrong with your vehicle—and let’s face it: there’s a lot of things that can go wrong—it’s best if these issues are handled by professionals so they can be fixed quickly and professionally. Plus, when they’re done right the first time around (and not just “okay”), they’ll save money in the long run by preventing future problems down the road!

How can I get the best price on auto repair and maintenance services?

How do you get the best price on auto repair and maintenance services?

Ask! You can ask for a quote, discount, free repair or maybe even a free oil change. If you’re lucky enough to have an employee at your car dealership who works in parts sales (or whatever), ask them if they can give you some tips on what kind of discounts are available for customers who buy items from them directly instead of going through another dealer first. They might be able to help out with cross-shopping between different dealerships—which may save money in the long run by getting better prices on certain products (like tires). They might also be able to point out which locations offer longer warranties so that customers know exactly where their investment will last longest without having any concerns about whether or not repairs will last long enough before needing replacement again

We offer low prices on auto repairs and maintenance.

We offer low prices on auto repairs and maintenance. We have a variety of services, from oil changes to tire sales to collision repair and body work. Our shop is located in the heart of Raleigh and we offer same day service for many parts like windshield wipers and brakes, so you don’t have to wait long for your car’s issues to be taken care of.

We also offer affordable prices for our customers: many plans include unlimited mileage; some even include free lifetime maintenance!

Brakes are an important part of your car and should be inspected regularly. If you notice anything unusual with your brakes, don’t take a chance – call us right away!

We know that the process can seem overwhelming, but don’t worry! We are here to help with any questions or concerns you may have. Call us today at 919-876-8011 and ask about our services

When it comes to caring for your vehicle in Raleigh, why go anywhere else.  Let our experts care for your car or truck and keep you on the road longer.

World Class Automotive has been providing high quality auto repair in Raleigh, NC for over 25 years. For all your repair, maintenance, and general service needs contact World Class Automotive today at (919) 876-8011 or visit us online at www.worldclassautoraleigh.com 

Is it time to replace my brakes in Raleigh?

replace my brakes: Raleigh

Brakes are an important part of your car and should be inspected regularly. Brakes can wear out over time and need to be replaced. If you have too many miles on your brakes, they may not work as well anymore. If you haven’t replaced your brakes in a while, it’s a good idea to get them checked out before you have an accident. At the first sign of problems with braking or stopping, it’s important to get your brakes fixed right away

Brakes are an important part of your car and should be inspected regularly.

Brakes are an important part of your car and should be inspected regularly. Brakes can wear out over time, so it’s important to check them periodically. If you notice that the brakes are not working properly or if they’re not stopping as well as they used to, it may be time for a brake replacement.

Inspecting your brakes is an simple task that requires little more than a flashlight and some patience—but this does not mean that you should wait until there’s no other option but replacing them outright!

Brakes can wear out over time and need to be replaced.

Brakes can wear out over time, and you’ll need to replace them.

You can do this by replacing the entire brake assembly or just the pads and rotors (the metal discs).

If you decide on a full replacement, make sure that it’s an OEM part—that means it was manufactured by the same company that makes your vehicle (or in some cases even better!). The only way to know if your brakes are of high quality is if they were made by companies like Bosch or Brembo, which produce premium products with high-quality materials and manufacturing processes.

If you have too many miles on your brakes, they may not work as well anymore.

If you have too many miles on your brakes, they may not work as well anymore. Brakes are an important part of your car and need to be inspected regularly for wear and tear. They can also wear out over time if you have too many miles on them or if there is any other damage that makes it difficult for them to function properly.

If you’re worried about how much longer your brakes will last, it might be time to invest in new ones!

If you haven’t replaced your brakes in a while, it’s a good idea to get them checked out before you have an accident.

If you haven’t replaced your brakes in a while, it’s a good idea to get them checked out before you have an accident. Brakes are important, and they can wear out over time. If you’re driving around with brake pads that aren’t as effective as they used to be, or if there’s any other issue with your brakes that would cause problems during an emergency stop (like squeaking), then we’ll recommend getting them fixed right away! Call us right away!

At the first sign of problems with braking or stopping, it’s important to get your brakes fixed right away.

At the first sign of problems with braking or stopping, it’s important to get your brakes fixed right away.

  • Don’t wait until you have an accident—that’s when it’s too late!
  • Do not wait until you are in a hurry—that’s when there is no time to fix them!
  • Don’t wait until you are in a panic; this can lead to making bad decisions and putting yourself at risk of more serious injuries (or even death).

If you notice anything unusual with your brakes, don’t take a chance – call us right away!

If you notice anything unusual with your brakes, don’t take a chance – call us right away! It’s important to know that replacement is necessary if the brake pads are worn or damaged. The cost of having this done can be very high; it’s best to avoid an accident by getting new parts as soon as possible.


Brakes are an important part of your car and should be inspected regularly. If you notice anything unusual with your brakes, don’t take a chance – call us right away!

We know that the process can seem overwhelming, but don’t worry! We are here to help with any questions or concerns you may have. Call us today at 919-876-8011 and ask about our services

When it comes to caring for your vehicle in Raleigh, why go anywhere else.  Let our experts care for your car or truck and keep you on the road longer.

How to properly wash your car or truck in Raleigh

wash your car / truck: Raleigh

When you wash your car, you’re likely to spend a lot of time getting the suds just right. But have you ever considered what happens after all that hard work? You needn’t worry—we’ve got the lowdown on how to properly dry off your vehicle after it’s been through the wringer.

Wash your car on a sunny day.

While it’s best to wash your car in the sunshine, you can also use a hose and/or pressure washer to rinse off your vehicle. If you’re working with a power washer, make sure that you have enough water pressure so that none of the soap gets trapped under the paint and causes damage.

Rinse off all the loose dirt and grime before you start.

Rinse off all the loose dirt and grime before you start. Using a garden hose, bucket or pressure washer is fine, but if you’re in a hurry or just want to save some time and effort (and water), consider using a waterless car wash instead. These are available at most auto parts stores and can be used by hand or with a machine that sprays them onto your vehicle.

Use a quality car wash soap.

When it comes to cleaning your car, quality is important. As a general rule of thumb, you should use a soap that’s designed specifically for your car’s finish. For example, if you have a black vehicle with a matte finish and want to keep it looking great for years to come, then using an all-purpose cleaner will do more harm than good because these products can strip away any protective coatings that were applied during manufacturing.

If on the other hand you have an older vehicle with chalky paintwork that needs some help in order for it look newer again (and who doesn’t?), then using something like Meguiar’s PlastX would be ideal since this product contains no ammonia or alcohol which could strip away any existing waxes or sealants on top of removing dirt from deep within pores within microfiber towels

Use plenty of water to rinse it all off.

As you rinse the soap off your car, it’s important to use plenty of water. This will help prevent streaks and spots in the paint job. If you’re using a hose with a good spray nozzle, that’s all the rinsing you need–the pressure from the hose will get rid of any remaining soap residue.

If you don’t have access to a hose or don’t want to use one (it can be hard on older vehicles), fill up a bucket with clean water and use microfiber towels instead of paper towels to dry off your vehicle after washing it. Microfiber cloths are gentle on paint jobs while still being strong enough to eliminate dirt and grime from hard surfaces like chrome bumpers or door handles without leaving behind lint like cotton towels would do after drying off these areas.”

Use a high-quality wax or polish to protect your vehicle’s finish and make it shine like new again.

  • Use a high-quality wax or polish to protect your vehicle’s finish and make it shine like new again.
  • Always follow the instructions on the label and use the right amount for your car’s size, type of paint, etc. Don’t let it dry on the surface; wipe off immediately with a clean towel (microfiber is best).
  • If you don’t know what you’re doing, don’t try this at home!

Your car will look great after this process

Now that you’ve learned how to properly wash your car or truck in Raleigh, it’s time to put those skills into action. We’ll start by covering how to use a car wash soap and then move on to using a high-quality wax or polish.

After washing your vehicle with water, you should follow up with an application of car wash soap (or shampoo). There are many different brands available on the market today, but if possible, we recommend using something organic like Meguiar’s Gold Class Shampoo & Conditioner because it offers superior cleaning power while also being kinder to the environment than some other alternatives. The next step is drying off any remaining moisture from washing by using either compressed air or a microfiber towel before applying wax or polish depending on whether you prefer more shine vs protection against UV rays

We hope this article has helped you understand what vehicle detailing is and how it works. We know that the process can seem overwhelming, but don’t worry! We are here to help with any questions or concerns you may have. Call us today at 919-876-8011 and ask about our services

When it comes to caring for your vehicle in Raleigh, why go anywhere else.  Let our experts care for your car or truck and keep you on the road longer.

World Class Automotive has been providing high quality auto repair in Raleigh, NC for over 25 years. For all your repair, maintenance, and general service needs contact World Class Automotive today at (919) 876-8011 or visit us online at www.worldclassautoraleigh.com

Raleigh Essential Summer Car Care Tips

Summer Car Care Tips Raleigh

Summer is the time to escape the on-road heat travels! Your car is also the most susceptible to difficulty at this time of year.

Even though winters are known for exerting a strain on automobiles, summers can be just as hard, especially when the temperatures continue to rise. In order to make the car summer-ready while preventing problems, there is some particular maintenance this time of year. Let us share some essential car care tips for this summer season.

·      Air Conditioner Maintenance

During the summer, the value of your air conditioner skyrockets. And anyone who has ever been stuck in a long line with no cool air blowing in their cabin knows how it feels. When compared to other essential components, your air conditioner usually does not require much maintenance; however, there are a few checks that can make it more efficient and breakdown-proof.

Check that your cooling system is adequately topped off with coolant and water in the proper proportions. It would be best to keep the air vents free of dust, grime, and debris, as these can obstruct airflow and lead to an overheated vehicle.

·      Get your oil and oil filter changed

This is especially crucial if you haven’t changed your oil in a while because extreme weather (wet, hot, or cold) can put extra strain on your oil and oil filter. Your oil keeps your engine parts lubricated, while the filter keeps hazardous debris, dirt, and metal fragments out of the oil system. More material is picked up when the filter is clean. The more stuff that is taken up, the cleaner the oil will be. A healthier, happier engine means cleaner oil!

·      Inspect your tires

Keep a spare tire and inspect your tires for wear and proper inflation every time you fill up your gas tank. Your tire’s contact pad should be square and not too narrow or bulging. Check that the tires are wearing evenly. Over-inflation should be avoided because the increased temperature (160F) of the asphalt on the highways will increase the PSI by about 10psi. If you need brand new tires (replace at 3/32nds of tread remaining), you should consider buying “summer” tires.

·      Clean the Interior

Because you’ll be spending many hours in your car, it’s a good idea to start fresh for the long journey ahead. It’s worth giving the cabin some additional attention before a trip that lasts several hours or longer, whether it’s a short vacuum or a full wash down of various surfaces and components.

Finally, if your A/C system emits an unusual odor, you might try upgrading your cabin air filter for better breathing. It’s advised that you replace your cabin air filter every 15,000 miles. Some cars have difficult-to-reach filters, which may necessitate a visit to your local dealership for repairs.

·      Clean your car

Every season necessitates the cleaning of your vehicle. After a winter, however, it may be necessary to clean the salt and grit that has accumulated in the automobile, panel gaps, and other areas. You can either take your automobile to a car wash or utilize the necessary supplies at home.

The sun may make your car shine brightly, but it is actually causing it to deteriorate. It is critical to treat the paintwork with wax to protect it from the sun’s harmful rays. Waxing your car functions as a sunscreen for the paint, extending the life of your vehicle. Similarly, if your car has leather seats, you should park in the shade.

Remember, don’t wait for an issue to force you to do anything. When you take good care of your automobile, it will take good care of you, and routine maintenance from Triangle Tire & Brake can help you prevent costly repairs.

Schedule your automotive maintenance in Raleigh Today

World Class auto has been serving the people of Raleigh for over 25 years.  World Class Auto is Raleigh’s premier automotive repair provider.  Raleigh Residents, and Business Owners have come to trust us for their Automotive Repair. Call 919 876-8011 today!

How to properly wash your car or truck in Raleigh

wash your car – truck: Raleigh

When you wash your car, you’re likely to spend a lot of time getting the suds just right. But have you ever considered what happens after all that hard work? You needn’t worry—we’ve got the lowdown on how to properly dry off your vehicle after it’s been through the wringer.

Wash your car on a sunny day.

While it’s best to wash your car in the sunshine, you can also use a hose and/or pressure washer to rinse off your vehicle. If you’re working with a power washer, make sure that you have enough water pressure so that none of the soap gets trapped under the paint and causes damage.

Rinse off all the loose dirt and grime before you start.

Rinse off all the loose dirt and grime before you start. Using a garden hose, bucket or pressure washer is fine, but if you’re in a hurry or just want to save some time and effort (and water), consider using a waterless car wash instead. These are available at most auto parts stores and can be used by hand or with a machine that sprays them onto your vehicle.

Use a quality car wash soap.

When it comes to cleaning your car, quality is important. As a general rule of thumb, you should use a soap that’s designed specifically for your car’s finish. For example, if you have a black vehicle with a matte finish and want to keep it looking great for years to come, then using an all-purpose cleaner will do more harm than good because these products can strip away any protective coatings that were applied during manufacturing.

If on the other hand you have an older vehicle with chalky paintwork that needs some help in order for it look newer again (and who doesn’t?), then using something like Meguiar’s PlastX would be ideal since this product contains no ammonia or alcohol which could strip away any existing waxes or sealants on top of removing dirt from deep within pores within microfiber towels

Use plenty of water to rinse it all off.

As you rinse the soap off your car, it’s important to use plenty of water. This will help prevent streaks and spots in the paint job. If you’re using a hose with a good spray nozzle, that’s all the rinsing you need–the pressure from the hose will get rid of any remaining soap residue.

If you don’t have access to a hose or don’t want to use one (it can be hard on older vehicles), fill up a bucket with clean water and use microfiber towels instead of paper towels to dry off your vehicle after washing it. Microfiber cloths are gentle on paint jobs while still being strong enough to eliminate dirt and grime from hard surfaces like chrome bumpers or door handles without leaving behind lint like cotton towels would do after drying off these areas.”

Use a high-quality wax or polish to protect your vehicle’s finish and make it shine like new again.

  • Use a high-quality wax or polish to protect your vehicle’s finish and make it shine like new again.
  • Always follow the instructions on the label and use the right amount for your car’s size, type of paint, etc. Don’t let it dry on the surface; wipe off immediately with a clean towel (microfiber is best).
  • If you don’t know what you’re doing, don’t try this at home!

Your car will look great after this process

Now that you’ve learned how to properly wash your car or truck in Raleigh, it’s time to put those skills into action. We’ll start by covering how to use a car wash soap and then move on to using a high-quality wax or polish.

After washing your vehicle with water, you should follow up with an application of car wash soap (or shampoo). There are many different brands available on the market today, but if possible, we recommend using something organic like Meguiar’s Gold Class Shampoo & Conditioner because it offers superior cleaning power while also being kinder to the environment than some other alternatives. The next step is drying off any remaining moisture from washing by using either compressed air or a microfiber towel before applying wax or polish depending on whether you prefer more shine vs protection against UV rays

We hope this article has helped you understand what vehicle detailing is and how it works. We know that the process can seem overwhelming, but don’t worry! We are here to help with any questions or concerns you may have. Call us today at 919-876-8011 and ask about our services

When it comes to caring for your vehicle in Raleigh, why go anywhere else.  Let our experts care for your car or truck and keep you on the road longer.

World Class Automotive has been providing high quality auto repair/ detailing in Raleigh, NC for over 25 years. For all your repair, maintenance, and general service needs contact World Class Automotive today at (919) 876-8011 or visit us online at www.worldclassautoraleigh.com